early childhood education Karana teachers require knowledge of
their students' development stage. Knowing about the basic and general needs of
this age group greatly influences the day-to-day decisions regarding
instruction and environment. Children especially are prone to distraction.
Before you start speaking, make sure all eyes are on you. Even if it seems to
take forever the first time, give your patience a go and wait until you have
the attention of the whole class. This will get easier each time as students
become accustomed to what’s to be expected. It is best to use multisensory cues
such as asking, “If you can hear me, put your finger on your ear,” only after
every student has complied do you start your lesson. This will save you from
having to repeat directions many times.
Effective early child hood education providers
- Know when children can figure out new ideas and concepts on their own and when it is important, explain things to them step-by-step.
- Encourage children to participate in classroom activities and to honor the classroom rules.
- Listen to what the children say and guide them upon their language, building their vocabulary and background knowledge.
- Know when to teach directly, when to provide time for exploration and discovery, when to practice skills and when to encourage creativity.
- Plan activities that have a purpose which can challenge the children.
- Know how to help children learn to work together and to resolve their matters.
- Teach children to respect each other's time and personal belongings.
- Give them many opportunities for conversations between and among children and with adults.
- Know how to establish and maintain order in a classroom but in a manner that permits the children to learn how to participate in and enjoy learning.
- Proper classroom arrangements in a way that enhances their work with children and how the children spend their time.
Having trouble getting your child's attention? Don't
shout or raise your voice, unless it's to sing. Kids don't care how you sound. If
your reading and they aren't listening and you start singing the story, they
quiet right down. But you can't rely on song alone. An early childhood education Karana professional tries to alternate verbal tactics, using whispering or
different voices or silently mouthing the words to get children to focus on
them. They also employ visual cues, such as putting a hand up in the air or
touching their finger to their nose and asking the children to do the same when
they're quiet and once you've got your child's undivided attention, keep your
instructions clear, short and direct.
Inexperienced teachers sometimes misinterpret
a child’s unwillingness to participate as stubbornness or bad behavior and it
is a good thing to remember that:
- Children most often do not have the vocabulary to express themselves.
- Use reflective listening to help children understand what is upsetting them.
- Sometimes children work well in groups and this helps them learn to share and develop ideas and most times that they need to be alone with ample time to figure things out for their selves.
- Have fun with students.