Sunday, June 10, 2018

Exploration of Intellectual Growth

natural childcare Karana replicates the comfort and security of home, foster each child’s unique desire to learn in a manner that is satisfying to the human spirit as well as the routines and values that are built there. An increasing number of research and studies consistently stress the need for young children to experience and explore in nature for their mental, physical, spiritual, psychological, emotional, intellectual health and growth. These environments allow children space and time to be themselves, rather than forcing them to fit in. We should value the child’s understanding of his or her own processes and we encourage independence in thoughts and actions and provide real world interaction and public outings, in a safe and supportive environment, with a person they trust by natural childcare Karana.
The children are self-directed and motivated based on their current interests and developmental stages and these experiences are learning opportunities, catered to each child’s interests, giving them the chance to try new things as part of natural childcare. It is through experiences like these that children grow their social skills and relationships with others that comes from direct interactions, responsive relationships that provide children with consistency and a go-to person. The good news is your family doesn't have to travel far to reap all the benefits nature is designed to offer.  Natural childcare as you can imagine, nature affects adults as well, in numerous positive ways is holistic in nature, where families and children can feel at home in a place of comfort and joy, pause and take a moment to inhale slowly and deeply, while soaking up the natural view, and listen to the sounds of the forest.  Notice the birds chirping, capture the sound of the leaves waving through the wind, feel the breeze against your skin and allow yourself to refresh, restart and rejuvenate.  
These relationships are provided by natural childcare are built on providing emotional availability, attentiveness and time to each individual child. Science research proves that for children’s brains to make the positive connections that develops good social skills and resilience, these natural relationships are essential. Natural childcare which the environment acts as the third teacher, supplying children with thoughtful interactions because we know that during the first days of life, nurturing and loving relationships trigger positive connections in children’s brains is so important that lays the foundations for social skills, resilience and the ability to regulate emotions, and these positive pathways can only be developed through familiar relationships and environments.  
It views children as confident and our natural resources and that encourage interaction with the natural world active learners whose learning. On our fast paced, modern day society, direct experience with the natural world is limited and increasingly becoming scarcer and, in some cases, obsolete so the growth and development are profoundly influenced by the quality of their relationships as each family and feel that children learn best when there is a consistency in education. Natural childcare is very important that should begin in home, and school environments and with people and their interactions with places and things for children’s development in every major way.