Being a parent is one of the most exciting
and at the same time one of the most difficult and challenging job one can ever
enter into. It is sad and at the same time joyful, it is awesome and gruesome.
In fact it is everything; it is a mixture of hurt, pain and disaster but
rewarding and very fulfilling. Entering into this challenging role is probably
one of the best because it has a mixture of almost everything and one cannot
deny the fact that many parents both young and old go for this challenge. But
then again, being parents does not end with providing them their needs and
sometimes even wants; actually it will only end when you die.
As we all know it starts during their birth,
then to their childhood days, until they become adolescents and finally turn
into adults. It will never end, it will not matter if you are hard up, you are
drained or you are very happy – all you have to do is to perform your duties
well and give them the love and care they deserve.
When talking about their childhood, of course
you will be bringing them to kindergarten schools or institutions. They will
all pass through this stage and you know very well that this is the formative
stage, a time for you to let them learn the skills, attitude and knowledge they
will need as they advance through life. This stage should not merely focus on
learning the alphabet or singing rhymes, this is also their chance to learn
life skills that they will be using in the future. This is their time to be
exposed with other children and their time to improve their loco motor skills
and they will get all these from playing. Playing is one of the most important
aspects of life they should not miss because they deserve it and because they
need it at their age.
One reason why many kids nowadays play less
is because they get hooked to technology, a very big disturbance to children.
Not that technology is bad for them but too much exposure to gadgets and
internet will hinder their time to play. This is what you should be guarding as
parents because you will surely not want to see the outcome if you insist on
letting them go on. While there are important things that can be learned from
technology, there are much more things that needs not be missed.